
The mindfulness skill that is crucial for stress – Mindful

Mindfulness may be balm for breast cancer patients – WebMD

How mindfulness helps you lose weight – AARP

Pain, Addiction, Depression, Anxiety

Make every day mental health day with mindfulness – Open Access Government

How mindfulness helps grad students – Inside Higher Ed

5 mindfulness hacks to feel better instantly – Psychology Today (blog)

Pop Culture & Lifestyle

What is mindfulness? – Thrive Global

How meditation can help you rewire your thinking – Happiful

What is mindfulness, really? – HeadStuff

Who is misrepresenting mindfulness? – Tricycle

Kids, Education

Chaplain creates culture of mindfulness at school – U.S. News & World Report

You’re never too young for mindfulness – The Jewish Chronicle

Highly popular ‘mindfulness’ class teaching Long Island high school students to de-stress, live in the moment – CBSN New York


How to design a workplace that encourages mindfulness – DesignCurial

The nine benefits of mindful leadership – Mindful

Federal employees attend ‘forest bathing’ and ‘mindfulness’ retreats – PJ Media

Why the army is training in mindfulness – Mindful

Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff: Why we have 'mindfulness zones' where employees put away phones, clear their minds – CNBC

Digital & Tech

Are meditation apps missing the point? – Quartz

How much actual Buddhism is there in your mindfulness app? – Wisconsin Public Radio

Science & Research

Meditation may change the way we perceive time – Psychology Today (blog)